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Finding and Measuring Leaks

…but it’s just a little leak …

• A customer reported that every few hours his toilet seemed to flush itself. This was caused by the tank refilling after water leaked around the plunger ball. Our service people found the problem and the customer had it repaired quickly. The water bill for the leak was $608, and the water wasted was over 26,000 gallons.

• The Public Service Commission was contacted about a high-water bill. A family was away on extended vacation when a toilet leak developed. The toilet leaked continuously for about 60 days. A 3/8" diameter line was feeding the toilet. Approximately 85,000 gallons leaked through the overflow and the bill was $2,023.

• While paying a water and sewer bill of $452, a customer mentioned that the house rule to "rattle the handle" after a flush was a costly mistake. In this case, the plunger ball wasn't seating properly and one family member didn't always follow the rule. The toilet ran continuously for up to 4 hours on almost all school days. This went on for about 45 days. The water wasted was over 20,000 gallons.

• A customer said "I know the toilet was leaking, but it can't cost $2,167 for 3 months!" Approximately 92,000 gallons were wasted.


How to Find & Fix Leaks

State of Wisconsin